Documentation - Server how to - Server Setup

WARNING: Before setting up a public server you should read the Multiplayer Guidelines, which governs how you may and may not use the master server. Be warned that modifications to the source code must be approved, and servers must honour the “auth” system. No if’s, but’s, or maybe’s.

System Requirements

Hosting one or more Red Eclipse servers on your system will require a decent bandwith (20-30 Kb/s down and ~10 Kb/s up per player/ bot), but use very few compute resources, such as RAM or CPU power. Therefore, no system requirements are specified, a server should run on any supported operating system. A Red Eclipse can even be run on a Raspberry Pi if so desired, though it is advisable to have a little more compute power to avoid lagspikes on player join.


Using the server shipped with Red Eclipse


  1. Copy the servinit.cfg example template from doc\examples to the root Red Eclipse directory (copy to the same directory as server.bat)
  2. Edit these files with a text editor as appropriate, see Configuration Files for more.
  3. Start the server by executing server.bat, an icon should appear in the taskbar. Click on it to view the console.


For details on locating your Red Eclipse home directory, refer to Game Settings.


This is normally the case if you installed Red Eclipse via your package manager, or using the “system-install” make target.

  1. Copy the servinit.cfg example template from /usr/share/doc/redeclipse/examples/ to your homedir, using
    cp /usr/share/doc/redeclipse/examples/servinit.cfg ~/.redeclipse/
  2. Edit these files in the homedir as appropriate
  3. Start the server via
From Unpacked Tarball

This is the case if you are running Red Eclipse directly from the unpacked tarball distributed via (and others).

  1. Copy the servinit.cfg example template located in doc/examples either to your homedir
    cp doc/examples/servinit.cfg ~/.redeclipse/

    or to the root redeclipse directory

    cp doc/examples/servinit.cfg .
  2. Edit these files as appropriate
  3. Start the server via


There is currently no server binary for the Mac, yet it is possible to host a non-dedicated server via running the client binary in server mode. To set this up, you will need to follow a few steps:

  1. Create a new config file. Name it something like macserver.cfg or something to that effect.
    1. You can add any server settings you want to this file, just like you would inside serverxec.cfg/servinit.cfg, but without the sv_ prefix, and one important line:
      servertype 3

      This line allows the server to be broadcast to the master server, and thus show up in the master list.

  2. Save this file to your Red Eclipse home directory
  3. Start a game of “offline practice”, and type the following in the console:
    exec "macserver.cfg"

    (or whatever you named it)

If all goes well, your client will connect to the master server and register itself, and will then show up in the server list. Please note that the client must be running at all times you wish the server to be online.

Using Docker

Currently there are two different Docker Images, its up to you which one you choose. For the installation and configuration steps follow the specific guides.


Configuration Files

The configuration files are written in cubescript, lines starting with // are ignored. If you want to configure a setting simply remove the // in front of it and change its value.


servinit.cfg contains the configuration settings for a Red Eclipse server. As of Red Eclipse v1.4 Elara, the settings defined in servinit.cfg are set as the server’s “default” settings, and using resetvars will simply restore the default settings, rather than re-executing servexec.cfg, which is now defunct and no longer used in Red Eclipse.

Admin Password

Connection Settings

Server Visibility and Access

You can control the visibility and/or accessibility of your server to the public.

Access Restrictions

You can change the “openness” of your server; ie. allowing anyone to claim helper (one hierarchal level lower than moderator), and/or preventing mastermode from being changed. Although usually unnecessary, these settings are convenient for example, public co-op editing servers. These restrictions may be modified with the serveropen variable, and the following is a list of options:

Type Description
0 Very open - Allow “open master” (anyone may claim helper with setpriv 1) and can set mastermode 2 (locked) or 3 (private).
1 Open master - Mastermode cannot be modified at all.
2 Open master - Mastermode can be changed, but cannot set to 3 (private). This is useful for public co-op editing.
3 Default setting - Only those who know the adminpass may claim admin, and only Auth users may claim master.

Server Customization

Forwarding Ports

All servers need enabled port forwarding.

Important: Whatever port you choose to forward, you must also forward that port plus one. For example, if you choose port 6551, you would also need to forward port 6552.

Default Ports

Type Port
Connections 28801 UDP
Queries 28802 UDP

For more information on port forwarding, including instructions specific to your router, visit the very helpful site

Advanced Setup

Multiple Servers

This do not apply to server running with Docker.

To run multiple servers from the same install, one must change the file slightly. First, copy the file to a new directory. Here we will use ‘second’ Second, the APP_PATH variable needs to be set to the base install, so:


Then, APP_OPTIONS needs to use the -h server command-line option to find the correct servinit.cfg


After saving the new file, make a servinit.cfg file for the server, and place it in the same folder APP_OPTIONS points to.

Done! Run your server with:


Using auth to grant permissions

Red Eclipse supports a global permissions and identification system called “auth” that can be used to grant players permission to use commands on your server. In the servinit.cfg, simply place a line as so:

addlocalop <authname> <privileg>

The <authname> would be that player’s handle, that they received to use in the /authkey command. As for the <privileg> argument, that can be an a, m, or o. These stand for administrator, moderator, operator respectively. To take advantage of the different flags, you will have to set the sv_{mode, maps, vars, vote, spec, kick, allow, ban, mute, limit, veto, flood}lock variables.