Documentation - Server how to - Server GameFilters
Vote filtering
If you wish to limit voting on your server to only certain modes or mutators you will need to
- Take all the the bit shifted values for the modes/mutators you want to allow
- Add them up
- Use this sum value for the
For example, to lock voting to only deathmatch and bomber-ball you need 4 + 32 = 36
sv_modelockfilter 36
This will also lock the voting to only the allowed maps for those modes.
As of Red Eclipse 1.3 (Galactic Edition), there are now idx vars
that represent each bit-shifted value for each mode and mutator. These vars can be easily added when changing settings that involve these filters. For example:
sv_modelockfilter (+ $modebitdeathmatch $modebitcapture)
Would limit the server to deathmatch and capture the flag
To allow the admin to override the filter, set
sv_modelock 3
It is not possible to disable voting for mutators completely, but you can get close by using
sv_mutslockfilter 65536
which will only keep the third mode variation mutator (ctf-protect) enabled.
Server Rotation Filtering
If you wish to filter the server rotation (without blocking rotation completely) use the sv_rotatemodefilter
For example
sv_rotatemodefilter 36
Filter Values
Number | Bit shifted | idxvar | Mutator |
0 | 1 | modebitdemo |
Demo |
1 | 2 | modebitediting |
Editing |
2 | 4 | modebitdeathmatch |
Deathmatch |
3 | 8 | modebitcapture |
Capture the Flag |
4 | 16 | modebitdefend |
Defend the Flag |
5 | 32 | modebitbomber |
Bomber-ball |
6 | 64 | modebitrace |
Race |
7 | 127 | modebitall |
All |
Number | Bit shifted | idxvar | Mutator |
0 | 1 | mutsbitmulti |
Multi |
1 | 2 | mutsbitffa |
Free-for-all |
2 | 4 | mutsbitcoop |
Co-op |
3 | 8 | mutsbitinstagib |
Instagib |
4 | 16 | mutsbitmedieval |
Medieval |
5 | 32 | mutsbitkaboom |
Kaboom |
6 | 64 | mutsbitduel |
Duel |
7 | 128 | mutsbitsurvivor |
Survivor |
8 | 256 | mutsbitclassic |
Classic |
9 | 512 | mutsbitonslaught |
Onslaught |
10 | 1024 | mutsbitfreestyle |
Freestyle |
11 | 2048 | mutsbitvampire |
Vampire |
12 | 4096 | mutsbitresize |
Resize |
13 | 8192 | mutsbithard |
Hard |
14 | 16384 | mutsbitbasic |
Basic |
15 | 32768 | mutsbitgsp1 |
First mode variation (ctf-defend, dtf-king, bomber-touchdown, gauntlet-hard) |
16 | 65536 | mutsbitgsp2 |
Second mode variation (ctf-defend, dtf-king, bomber-touchdown, gauntlet-hard) |
17 | 131072 | mutsbitgsp3 |
Third mode variation (ctf-protect) |
18 | 262143 | mutsbitall |
All |
How the Filter Values Work
Filters are simply created using bitwise OR (numbers are bit shifted first):
Example: 2 (Deathmatch) + 5 (Bomber Ball) = (1«2) + (1«5) = 4 + 32 = 36
00000100 +
00100000 =
00100100 (binary) = 36 (decimal)