Documentation - Maps - Institute


Name Institute
Author Derek “Jojo” Stegall and Alex “molexted” Foster
Filename institute
Release Date 2012-09-01 (2019-11-02)
Introduced in 1.3.0
Size Medium (4-10)
Complexity Simple
Theme Modern
Environmental Features None
Day/Night ✔/✔
Lights 99 (36/82/82)
Entities 200
Vertices 34k
Triangles 41k
Vslots 142
Recommend Modes FFA


The oldest map remaining in the game (introduced in RE 1.3), Institute remains a credible medium FFA map after its whitewashing.

Unlike prior versions, however, Insitute is now strictly a FFA map, owing to its balance issues due to its asymmetrical layout.

Notes & Strategies

Spawn Register

Weapon/Item Count
Sword 2
Shotgun 2
Flamer 2
Plasma 2
Zapper 2
Rifle 2
Grenade 4
Mine 1
Rocket 0